-Credit to godisageek for the descriptions and the list-
5. Navi - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time(1998)
Some games will throw you into the action with no instructions at all, expecting you to adapt and learn how to play the game as you go along. Other titles will hold your hand and take you through specially-designed tutorial stages, where the risk of failure is more or less nil, and you can learn the game at your own pace.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, however, gives players an irritating fairy called Navi, who follows you constantly and tells you what to do; throughout the entire game. Every time you reach a new area or come across something you haven’t discovered before, she will yell at you and explain what you should be doing. “Hey, listen!” quickly becomes the most annoying phrase you will ever hear, as she won’t leave you alone or let you explore and take things at your own pace. She wants to tell you what to do, when she wants to. Of course, she is a big help for targeting enemies you are fighting, and she is certainly useful for first-time players, but Nintendo should have scaled back her involvement as you progress through the title. As Link gets better and learns new things, Navi should appear less often. Otherwise she just becomes an irritant, who won’t leave you alone.

4. Roman Bellic – Grand Theft Auto IV (2008)
Unfortunately, dramatic films, television shows, and now games, often need a character like Roman Bellic. Someone who is close to the protagonist and who means well, but whose stupidity leads the main characters into dramatic situations. Roman is the only person in America willing to give you a chance, and he puts you up and helps you get on your feet, but from day one, you can tell that he will lead you into a lot of trouble throughout the title.

Roman moves from one disaster to the next, dragging Niko along with him, most of the time just to bail him out. He is the reason for most of the suffering you will go through during the game, so predictably, you will begin to wish that your idiot Cousin never existed. To make things worse, the friendship system within the game means that Roman will keep calling you up, wanting you to take him halfway across the city just to play some pool, or have a drink, and woe betide you if you don’t, as he will get all pissed off with you and not want to talk for days. Which isn’t actually an altogether bad thing…

3. Eddy Gordo / Christie Monteiro – Tekken 3 Onwards (1997)
Rather than being an incredibly irritating character himself – Tekken is a fighting game so the characters aren’t that well developed – the Capoeira fighting style employed by first Eddy Gordo and also his devotee Christie Monteiro is what makes this pair annoying. Tekken is a game based around combos, so much more so  than Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat, where you really need to know all of a characters special moves; Tekken is kinder on beginners.

As such, being combo-based, Tekken is also a good game for button-mashers and people who just tap and hope, and that is where Capoeira steps in. You don’t really need to know any of their actual combos, as you can just press their attack buttons randomly and their attacks blend together so quickly, and the attacks are so un-balanced, that is makes it very hard for an opponent to even pull off a move against them. Being based around dancing, the fighting style is so quick and smooth that each attack flows together before you can even blink an eye. You will be able to juggle enemies to your hearts content and irritate them no end. Play as Eddy or Christie if you are playing someone you don’t like; or if you are fighting a player who is much better than you, but you want a cheap win.

2. Goro – Mortal Kombat (1992)
Goro is a great character in terms of design. playing through Mortal Kombat, almost all of the competitors look more or less the same. All humanoid, all around the same shape and size. Then you reach the boss and “what the hell is that?” A four-armed monster of a fighter appears, and before you know it he has beaten the living snot out of you; possibly beating you with only two or three moves. He is incredibly intimidating and a very original boss character.

However, he is just so over-powered. Goro is the epitome of the lazy, cheap boss battle in a fighting game. You could be pulling off all of your special moves and battering him for the whole round, without even making a dent on his energy bar, but one throw and stomp from Goro, and your fighter will be on their last legs. Whenever you have him on the ropes, with victory in sight, he will pull off a chain of unblockable moves and smash all of your dreams of victory. Of course you can beat him, but prepare to be frustrated; a lot.

1. Mr Resetti / Tom Nook – Animal Crossing (2001)
In a toss up between the most annoying cute animals in gaming, it is really hard to separate the two characters from Animal Crossing shown above. They may look funny, and t may be hard to take them seriously, but this pair of creatures will take what should be a relaxing game and make it a long, hard slog. Why these two? What do they do that really ticks us off?

Firstly, Mr Resetti (clever name, incorporating the word RESET) is the most pointless character in the entire game. His sole purpose is to follow around any gamer who is silly enough to turn off their console, or reset the game, without first saving. He will bug you and nag you, making you suffer through pages and pages of text when you load your console back up again, before you can get back to playing the game. Sometimes, if he is feeling especially vindictive, you will have to type in an apology to him in the game, letter by letter, to say you are sorry for turning off your console. What a pedant!

And Tom Nook, what does he do that is so bad? Well for a game which is meant to be about moving to a new town and making friends at Animal Crossing, Tom Nook is the equivalent of an evil banker. Rather than just get a house when you start the game, Nook will lumber you with a huge mortgage, for which you will have to working every day catching butterflies and the like, just to pay off and survive. Forget about improving your house or buying new furniture for quite some time; you now have the chains of a mortgage to worry about. In a kids game, with talking animals and butterflies, you have a mortgage! Now if that isn’t annoying, I don’t know what is. Surely you play a game like Animal Crossing to escape the real world and its responsibilities? Not if Tom Nook has anything to say about it you don’t.

24/8/2012 02:31:57 pm

hahaha! xD Resetti haha he was really annoying lol

24/8/2012 02:33:20 pm

I fucking hate eddie. whenever im against him it's really hard to actually hit him becuz he's always moving around like an autistic ballerina.

24/8/2012 02:34:56 pm


24/8/2012 02:36:31 pm

i love the font you use for the parragaphs and stuff :O
Anyways i completly agree with this list xD but i dont find the gta dude that annoying

3/1/2015 12:50:16 am

Eddy should die and never appear and be mentioned in another Tekken game a fucking character with no personality fuck him


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