Nintendo doesn't want the Wii U to get ripped off by a lot of companies, like the Wii. Remember the Playstation Move, and other companies ripping off the Wii? Well, Nintendo doesn't want the same thing to happen to the Wii U.
I wonder what names will they come up with? Hmm.. Playstation Pad?
Chintendo U Pad?
The Sega Zone-Pad?
What names can you come up with and do you think other companies are going to try to rip off the Wii u? Comment below!

17/6/2012 01:46:56 am

How about the Chintendo Vii Pad!
haha xD I almost died laughing when i saw the comercial!
"What's the Nintendo Wii?I've never heard of it."

17/6/2012 12:31:30 pm

How about instead of " MiWi", "MiWi Pad" or "UPad" lol xD


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