WW|Ryan Hart recently had a chance to sit down with well known Japanese Tekken player JDCR to talk about Tekken Tag Tournament 2. In this interview JDCR discusses the mind games revolving around the tag system, which characters he feels are the top 10, differences between Japan and Korea and more.

Here is a bit from the article.

1. RH: So JDCR, let me just start off by asking you, what do you think of Tekken Tag Tournament 2?

JD: Hmm, TTT2 is fun but it is a very weird and random game at times.

RH: Why do you do you say that?

JD: Because of the tag system, and the combo damage being too high. In my opinion it has now become easier for weaker players to overcome experts [in TTT2] than in Tekken 6 BR.

RH: So it’s easier to deal out critical damage from a small opening in defence? Hmm, I can see how that’s a problem. It kind of sounds like there aren’t enough ways to defend or something. I’m not really sure what can be done about that.

JD: One thing that is good about tag combos however is that characters who were bad at combos before are now good because of the tag options allowing them to make better juggles. This is an improvement to the game.

2. RH: Who are the most powerful characters?

JD: Kazuya, Lars, Leo and Devil Jin are the most powerful characters in terms of combos. They are far too strong in juggling. I cannot think of any other characters that can compete with these four in this area.

Shout outs to WW|Ryan Hart for the interview.

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